Star Performer – March 2021


Name: Savaira Abdul Wahab Sheikh
Branch: Takaful Karachi Johar

Me And Efu Life
I joined EFU Life in December 2020 as a sales consultant and got my first promotion within 2 months. Before joining EFU Life, I was a relationship manager in the banking sector. Initially, I perceived this to be a part-time opportunity but after exploring various aspects of this field and product offerings through the foundation courses, I was convinced that I can achieve my life goals in this profession if I fully dedicate myself.

I am thankful to Mr. Ehtesham Ali (Takaful Zonal Manager), Mr. Waseem (Takaful Senior Branch Manager), Mr. Hassam (Takaful Branch Manager) and Mr. Muhammad Ahmed (Takaful Assistant Branch Manager) who were really kind and considerate.

My Hobbies and interests:
I always try to learn new things in life and to pass them on to others for their benefit. I love to try different foods and desserts, spend time with loved ones and focus on establishing my contacts.

My Motivation:
My parents have been very supportive throughout my success and I dedicate my success to them. I truly believe that having good intentions is the key to success as that has helped me in achieving my goals. My main motivation is my son M. Ibrahim because I start my day after looking at his smile that he has for me.

My Message:
Always try to give 100% potential in your work and leave the rest to Almighty Allah instead of chasing success and having the greed for money. Always be a solution provider and do best for others because if we think for others, Almighty thinks for us.

Savaira Abdul Wahab Sheikh
Takaful Karachi Johar
Takaful Consultant

EFU Star Performer